Karen Powell Takes Her Turn
Local activist Karen Powell [news] has an announcement to make, and she'll be making at the John Boyle O'Reilly Club this coming June 19th. The City of Springfield could certainly use some new faces on the City Council, and Powell's candidacy offers a perfect opportunity for us voters to make this happen.
Powell's views almost precisely (if not entirely) mirror my own views. In the past, she has worked with the Citizens for Limited Taxation, opposed trigger locks for guns in the City (read this Reminder article to see why), opposed the Albano-proposed needle exchange program, and helped manage this spring's "Keep Springfield Beautiful" effort (which I also participated in as a volunteer in the trenches ;-)
See her invitation to any & all interested, below.
official campaign kick-off
Karen Powell
Candidate for
Springfield City Council
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
John Boyle O'Reilly Club
33 Progress Avenue
Springfield, MA
“ROCK 102 Morning Show” personality - John O’Brien
Featured Speakers
The Honorable Mayor Charles V. Ryan
2004 Teacher of the year - Melinda Pellerin Duck
Donations welcome
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Karen Powell
c/o 34 Mohawk Drive, Springfield, MA 01129
Labels: karen powell springfield, ma