Friday, February 09, 2007

Visiting the York Street Jail - 02.07.2007

As I walked around the former jail in Springfield, MA, I couldn't help but be touched by a sense of quiet loneliness, as if the old building itself was reaching out to me, asking me not to leave. A few days earlier, I had a conversation with a couple of guys who once worked there. They both agreed that as bad as the building was at times, they were still going to miss it after it is finally brought down.

The York Street Jail is 120 years old, so I guess it's earned our sentiments. It was once a busy building, with prisoners, guards, and other personnel filling its corridors and offices. But those bleak halls will never again hear the clamouring of footfalls, nor the voices of men - save for those who will come to destroy it.

The York Street Jail is doomed.

See a Cell Block Photo of the Jail Here

(above link, click on small images to enlarge)

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|| Missing Persons in New England ||


At 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intresting piece, love to see what the interior of York St looks like before its gone.

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Bill Dusty said...

I imagine there may be a few former employees who'd have an interest in a last walk through. Not for me, though. I've got no personal memories there. Sometimes when I see old, wrecked places like this - whether commercial buildings or large houses, I try to think of what they might have looked like when they were new. And then I think of all the brand-new buildings and houses going up today, and wonder what they'll look like in 80 years or more, if they're sill standing at all.

Anyway, there's the link below the video window for a look at an old cell block in the jail.

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that you are able to capture the demoliton of the old jail. I suppose the implosion will
likely exterminate the river rodents. Squatters beware. Perhaps you will do a piece on
Waltham or Newgate next? Nice work.

At 6:00 AM, Anonymous cialis said...

Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites


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